8-year-old Levi Coada Crowned the

International Young Nature Blogger Champion

8-year-old Levi Coada entry in the Young Nature Bloggers Competition was selected as the overall winner by former chair of the UK Man and Biosphere Committee, Martin Price. Martin said, "Levi's blog was imaginatively written, with a clear message and lots of interesting information, and beautifully illustrated." High praise indeed!

Levi loves nature, writing and art, and spends much of his time learning about nature and seeking ways to help protect it. Levi learnt about the Dublin Bay Biosphere through our nature webinar series, which is available to view on our YouTube channel, see here.

Levi is also a Dublin Bay Biosphere Champion despite the fact he lives on the West Coast of Ireland! Levi took time to experience nature, learn about man’s impacts on nature (both positive and negative) and took action to protect wildlife and he used that experience to produce his nature blog.
You can read Levi’s blog below to see why this brilliant young nature writer was selected as the International Champion of the Young Nature Blogger Competition.