It is the ambition of Dublin City Council that the Discovery Centre will be the genesis for the resolution of the management issues in the nature reserve and Dublin Bay as well as inspiring the values of UNESCO in promoting global citizenship.

The proposed Dublin Bay Discovery Centre is to be located at the heart of the UNESCO Dublin Bay Biosphere, on causeway road where it meets Bull Island, a highly sensitive and protected landscape.

It marks a “gateway” entrance at the centre of the island while providing extensive views across some of its most beautiful, sensitive and protected areas. At this key location the centre is conceived as a powerful place for conservation, education and research marking the protected core zone of the biosphere with a contrasting viewing gallery and a low ground hugging horizontal form.


The Dublin Bay UNESCO Biosphere Discovery Centre will create a powerful place for conservation, education and research, to see, touch, taste, smell and hear Bull Island, Dublin Bay, the world network of Biosphere Regions and critical global climate issues.

Fundamentally, through the Discovery Centre we want to help people understand and appreciate this special place. We want to inspire them to take care of it.

What are your views? As part of ongoing engagement we are seeking your views on the proposal in advance of completing the design development and lodgement of a planning application in 2020.

You can submit your views on our consultation page here

For information go to our website here

or email us at discoverycentre@dublincity.ie
